Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Words From President

Four Simple Words at Christmas

At Christmas we usually read Luke’s account of the nativity, where the Shepherds find Jesus in a manger. This year as I re-read both gospel accounts, I was struck by the story of the Magi in Matthew, Chapter 2.

The noble gentile Magi came from afar to visit the newly born “king of the Jews”. Herod directed them to Bethlehem, but where?

The star, which had originally inspired the Magi’s long trip, reappeared and specifically led them to the very house where Mary, Joseph and Jesus were.

Check this! Verse 10 describes the Magi’s response to seeing the star. Four Greek words simply state that “They rejoiced, a joy, great, exceedingly”. Imagine a response that would require this description. It must have been a very exciting, emotional time as they neared the end of their quest.

This Christmas I encourage all of us to imagine, and practice, the response of the Magi. I pray that we all will “rejoice, a joy, great, exceedingly”?