Tuesday, March 3, 2009

To Be or Not To Be - Abortion


  1. I was talking with some Christian friends and it was sad to hear that some of them either waver on the topic of abortion or think it is ok. This is a subject no one wants to talk about but everyone needs to talk about. There are so many families out there who are wanting to adopt a baby. When it comes down to it God knew us before we were born and who are we to play God?

  2. I would have to say though that the only real way to change people is going to have be through conversion and revelation and not through politics.

    I find it silly when christians expect to change people's actions by enforcing political rules on them, or how we expect our politicians or governments to make people behave christian.

    Soon, if not already, we are not going to be the majority/popular religion. When that occurs and we are unpopular, looked down on, and oppressed - we are going to want some of the very same religious freedoms we are trying to take away from others.

    So you need to understand things like if we allow our God in school and disalllow other religions in school - we are setting a dangerous political precident. For, what will happen when we are no longer the religion in political control? We will become oppressed by the very same laws we set forth into motion.

    Anyway, my point is... yes the world is in a sad situation, but solve it with God and not politics.

  3. Taking God out of it abortion still seems wrong. There are many other groups besides Christians who are fighting against this.

    The way I see it is when it comes down to it it's a life and just because the child has not been born doesn't mean it's life should just be written off.

    The problems go beyond abortion. We look at those having them as monsters but they aren't often they are young girls who have no support, have been raped or other women who don't know what to do. It is a matter of helping these people to see the other side of the situation and to get through the pain that brought them to the abortion clinic in the first place.

    In my experience I have talked girls about of abortions and have sadly seen some go through with them. Either way they are hurting and things will never change if we judge them instead of help them.
